Sensory Issues books

Does life feel a bit too much? You aren’t alone.

Cain, Susan.  Quiet: the power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking.

Heller, Sharon   Too Loud, too bright, too fast, too tight: what to do if you are sensory defensive in an overstimulating world

Kranowitz, Carol Stock – The Out-of-Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder 

NurrieStearns, Mary.    Yoga for anxiety: meditations and practices for calming the body and mind

Simone, Rudy.  Asperger’s on the job: must-have advice for people with Asperger’s or high functioning autism, and their employers, educators, and advocates

Willey, Liane Holliday.   Pretending to be normal: living with Asperger’s syndrome

Zeff, Ted.   The highly sensitive person’s survival guide: essential skills for living well in an overstimulating world 

Short and Strange volume 2 is now available!

The link to the print version.
The link to the Kindle version.

This is a collection of 21 stories that were written from December 17th, 2017 to October 15th, 2019. They are all based on unusual black and white photos that I found. Some themes will become apparent – monkeys, alligators, names, citizenship. Who is “in” and who is “out”? What is “normal” – and who decides?The photo is the basis of every story. I select pictures that are odd, that seem to have a backstory. Yet, none exists. The human brain needs completion to feel at rest, even if the completion to the narrative isn’t necessarily true. So I write what the picture tells me to write. It is a little like being a detective, and a lot like being an artist. What would you create with limited ingredients or information? Sometimes a limit can be helpful. It forces you to focus on what you have. These stories might disturb you. They might make you think. Both can be useful. It is up to you to decide. These were initially posted on my blog, Many have been polished up for this book. If there is a difference between the version on my blog and the one here, the printed version is preferred.

Parenting books

Leman, Kevin.  Have a new kid by Friday: how to change your child’s attitude, behavior & character in 5 days

Ricker, Audrey.  Whining: three steps to stopping it before the tears and tantrums start

Dobson, James C.   The strong-willed child: birth through adolescence

Frost, Jo. Supernanny: how to get the best from your children

Runkel, Hal Edward.  Screamfree parenting: raising your kids by keeping your cool

Severe, Sal. How to behave so your children will, too!

Nelsen, Jane. Positive discipline

Bailey, Rebecca Anne. Easy to love, difficult to discipline: the seven basic skills for turning conflict into cooperation

Baker, Jed. No more meltdowns: positive strategies for managing and preventing out-of-control behavior

Swedo, Susan. Is it “just a phase”: how to tell common childhood phases from more serious problems

Greene, Ross W.  The explosive child: a new approach for understanding and parenting easily frustrated, chronically inflexible children

Smith, Karen A.  The sensory-sensitive child: practical solutions for out-of-bounds behavior

Kurcinka, Mary Sheedy.  Raising your spirited child : a guide for parents whose child is more intense, sensitive, perceptive, persistent, energetic

Recovery books

Beattie, Melody.  Codependent no more: how to stop controlling others and start caring for yourself

Cloud, Henry.  Boundaries: when to say yes, when to say no to take control of your life

NurrieStearns, Mary.  Yoga for anxiety: meditations and practices for calming the body and mind

Semmelroth, Carl.  The anger habit in relationships: a communication handbook for relationships, marriages and partnerships

Tolle, Eckhart. The power of now: a guide to spiritual enlightenment / Eckhart Tolle.

Powell, John Joseph. Why am I afraid to tell you who I am? : insights on self- awareness, personal growth and interpersonal communication

Forward, Susan. Toxic parents: overcoming their hurtful legacy and reclaiming your life

Friel, John C.   An adult child’s guide to what is “normal”

Stone, Douglas.  Difficult conversations: how to discuss what matters most

Tessina, Tina B.  It ends with you: grow up and out of dysfunction

Wilson, Sandra D.   Released from shame: recovery for adult children of dysfunctional families

Wholey, Dennis (editor).  Becoming your own parent: the solution for adult children of alcoholic and other dysfunctional families

 Farmer, Steven.  Adult children of abusive parents: a healing program for those who have been physically, sexually, or emotionally abused

LaMar, Donna F.  Transcending turmoil: survivors of dysfunctional families

 Wolin, Steven J.  The resilient self: how survivors of troubled families rise above adversity

Want more? Look up the subjects of “dysfunctional families”, “codependency,” “adult children of dysfunctional families” in the library catalog.