Illegal immigration thoughts

I’m in an odd position about immigration / citizenship. So many people are illegally here already. And because they are illegally here, they are the new slave class. They work for very little money and have no protection against workplace dangers. And yet they stay – because it is better than where they came from. And if they speak up, they risk being sent back. So that tells me a lot about what they are trying to flee. 

I do not ascribe to the NewSpeak of “undocumented people” or “refugee”.  I call a spade a spade.  If you are illegally in this country, you are an illegal immigrant. Changing the terms does not change the facts. 

I’m opposed to anyone illegally here getting free anything – education, healthcare, etc.  However – if they do, it is the fault of the government for giving it. It isn’t meaningful to demonize illegal immigrants for getting anything for free.  The system needs to be fixed on the government side. 

Also, the American government needs to stop: 

giving money to other countries

going to war with other countries

We have enough problems here that need to be fixed. 

Americans need to get over the idea that this is “our” country.  We stole it from the people who were already here, and then committed genocide. That must be addressed and healed. We will not move forward until that wrong is corrected. 

Our immigration laws are racist – Europeans invade an already-occupied land and colonize it.  Then they make rules about who can and can’t come here – that are often skewed towards other Europeans and away from anyone who is not white. 

It is as if someone invaded your home, kicked you out, and then changed the locks and only let their friends in.