False information is worse than nothing.

I’m getting frustrated with all the “information” being shared these days about how to defeat the virus, none of which has been proven by science. Why share something that isn’t true or helpful? Why theorize if you aren’t a scientist? So many armchair experts these days.

I have plenty of insight that I’ve received about how to make it through these unusual and challenging times but I have not shared them. Why? Because I’m not an expert. I’m not a doctor or nurse. I’m not a homeopath. I’m just a person. And my “information” isn’t based on science but intuition. I have no desire to mislead people. And honestly, most people don’t listen to me anyway.

And maybe that is part of this time: that we all must keep our own confidences. We all must follow the advice of our heart, and not anyone else’s. When you know, you know, and nobody can tell you otherwise. When you don’t know, you won’t listen no matter what.

Art Journal (digital) books

Need something to spark your creative side, but have to get the book digitally? Try these! Some are through Overdrive (the app is called Libby). One option is an urban sketching video course through Libby. Other options are e-magazines through RBI digital.

Overdrive (Libby)

Art Journal Courage: Fearless Mixed Media Techniques for Journaling Bravely    Author: Dina Wakley

Art Journal Kickstarter:  Pages and Prompts to Energize Your Art Journals    Author: Kristy Conlin

Art Journal Art Journey: Collage and Storytelling for Honoring Your Creative Process     Author: Nichole Rae

Inner Hero Creative Art Journal: Mixed Media Messages to Silence Your Inner Critic   Author: Quinn McDonald

The Art Journal Workshop: Break Through, Explore, and Make it Your Own     Author: Traci Bunkers

The journal junkies workshop: Visual Ammunition for the Art Addict     Author: Eric Scott

– Raw Art Journaling    Author: Quinn McDonald

The Secret Letters Project: A Journal for Reflection, Growth, and Transformation Through the Art of Letter Writing    Author:  Juliet Madison

 – Creative Wildfire: An Introduction to Art Journaling–Basics and Beyond      Author:  LK Ludwig

No Excuses Art Journaling: Making Time for Creativity      Author: Gina Rossi Armfield

Bible Journaling Made Simple: An Art-Filled Journey for Creative Worship     Author:  Sandy Allnock

The art of urban sketching: drawing on location around the world     Author: Gabriel Campanario

The urban sketcher: techniques for seeing and drawing on location Author: Marc Taro Holmes


Drawing Foundations: Urban Sketching     Author:   Kemp, Will

RBI digital magazines

Cloth Paper Scissors

American Craft

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